Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boy names

My friend just named her son Ezra. After this school year, I am officially in love with the name Atticus. That is all.

Shout Out

To Jessie Penick! Thanks for reading, my friend!

Love ya!

Friday, July 24, 2009


So I'm moving to Oz next year. At least that's the plan. I'm currently formulating the Big Story. More to follow...

Monday, April 06, 2009

Spring Break

I slept until 12:15 today. I can't remember the last time I did that. I also exercised-can't recall the last time I did that, either. :P This week is going to be full of firsts-in-awhile: I also haven't had a week to myself in a long, LONG time...maybe not ever.

The sky is so spring-ish today. Huge, fluffy clouds of varying shades of grayness are racing across a clear blue sky, now full and dark, now clear and bright. We never get weather like this in Virginia-it makes me homesick for Ohio. We also don't get the beautiful flowering trees that Virginia has, so I shouldn't complain too much. Spring comes earlier here, and seems to stay a bit longer. I LOVE springtime.

I have a list a mile long to accomplish this week. (Of course.) However, it isn't even mostly a work list, which is unusual. It's only partly a work list-actually, almost more of an errands list, with things like "take vacuum to repair shop" and "wash car" on it. My other things to do include stuff like "study Spanish", "get a pedicure", "cook meals at home instead of eating out", "go see the cherry blossoms", "catch up my Bible studying", etc, etc. (Note: the list did NOT include sleeping past noon!) I set up a daily schedule for myself that we'll just see if I remotely follow. It's practice for my summer break, I think. It goes something like this:

hour 1: exercise
hour 2: shower, etc
hour 3: read (this includes Bible study)
hour 4: practice something (this includes things like piano, Spanish, French, writing)
*lunch* (in the soup and salad vein of things)
hour 5: work
hour 6: go (this would be the sightseeing category)
hour 7: pamper (mani/pedi, bubble bath, haircut)

-obviously these "hours" are subject to some flexibility-

*dinner* (in the home-cooked meal vein of things)
maybe a movie or reading in the evening, and then early to bed.

Doesn't that sound both fun and productive???


(short hiatus...)

I just bought tickets for Montiicello tomorrow. I feel touristy!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year

Happy New Year! (Lora and Jill)

I have great expectations for 2009-for me, and for my friends (hear, hear for great jobs, and blessings to you both!).

As ever, I'm list-making like a madwoman. I started with my project list for the year. I figure with ten projects, that's about one a month, with a little wiggle room. So, for purposes of accountability, here they are:
  • cover bedroom chair and ottoman
  • albumize photos once and for all
  • organize, electronicize and file music (backup, too)
  • get permanent Christmas storage containers
  • sew one wearable original piece of clothing
  • downsize-books, keepsakes, pantry
  • make a personal cookbook
  • get filing system under control
  • get a coordinating headboard
  • get a roll-away bed. (This is to stimulate visitors...hint, hint!)
I have a new year's resolutions list, but at the moment, it's still in my head. My big projects there are to make activity a part of my daily routine (so far, I'm actually doing ok), drink more water, go to bed earlier, and eat more veggies. Well. There's some spiritual growth stuff on that list, too-but it's still being mulled over. :)

That's about it for now. I am trying to accomplish most of my list for the weekend, and blogging was on it, so that's one more thing I can cross off the list! Woohoo! I'm off to clean my floors... Ugh.