Saturday, May 31, 2008

I almost forgot

It's been awhile since I've done a list, so here's one from Tres Poshe Preppy:

Pick 5 (In No Particular Order)

5 Things I Can't Live Without Under $10:
1. Grande Hazelnut Skim Latte

2. San Pellegrino

*I'm having a hard time coming up with nonperishable items for this one-I think I have more expensive taste than $10!

3. Gel Pens...I know-it's SO seventh grade. I can't help it; I love 'em.

4. Lindt truffles

5. Skim milk. I'm an addict.

(That was MUCH harder than I expected. Wow.)

5 Favorite Movies: (romantic comedies)
1. Sweet Home Alabama

2. 13 Going on 30

3. Cold Comfort Farm

4. The Princess Diaries (both #1 and #2)

5. The Prince and Me

5 Favorite Girl Baby Names That I Love:
1. Lauryn

2. Ellen

3. Julia

4. Nicole

5. Elizabeth

5 Favorite Boy Baby Names That I Love:
1. Joel

2. Nicholas

3. Jason

4. Nathan

5. Peter

5 Songs You Could Listen to Over and Over: (This morphed into 10 Songs. Sorry about that)

1. Found, by Hillsong (Anything b y Hillsong, actually. Lately I've been on a Hillsong United kick)

2. I Will Love You, by Fisher

3. Fragile, by Sting

4. One, by U2

5. Lullaby, by Josh Groban and Ladysmith Black Mambazo

6. The Luckiest, by Ben Folds

7. I hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You, by Tom Waits

8. Iris, by GooGoo Dolls

9. Yellow, by Coldplay

10. Love Me Tender, by Norah Jones

5 Things That Stay In My Handbag At All Times:
1. My wallet

2. Cover Girl LipSlicks

3. Tums Smoothies (I know, that's just weird. )

4. A mini Journal where I can make lists

5. My compact

5 Obsessions I Have Right Now:
1. Hillsong Conference

2. Getting my licensure renewed

3. Facebook

4. The connection between worship and justice

5. Songwriting

5 Places I'd Love to Go:
1. Sydney!

2. London

3. Kruger Game Park

4. Copenhagen

5. Memphis

Ok, so I have to explain that one: my friend Liz and I are discussing a road trip to Memphis for the dual purpose of eating barbeque and enjoying the blues kitsch. I don't REALLY care about Memphis-just the fun of the experience.

Rainy Saturday

I just got home from my morning tutoring, and the rain is drumming on my kitchen window, reminding me that it's my favorite season: Spring! Springtime in Virginia is (in my humble opinion) not as much fun as back home in Ohio. For one thing, we don't get nearly the rain here that we do back home, and when we do, it almost never comes in thunderstorms, which I adore. For another, spring in Ohio is full of wonderful sights, sounds and smells from the newly plowed and planted fields, to the baby animals, to the lilac bush in my parents' yard. And finally, in Ohio I can venture into the great outdoors without fear of all the nasty critters present in Virginia, like cottonmouths and copperheads, brown recluse spiders, and the ubiquitous deer tick, which can just MESS UP your nervous system with Lyme's Disease. All we have back home to be concerned about are mosquitoes and tornadoes. No biggie. :)

I love Saturdays. I think today I will get my home really, REALLY clean, then maybe have coffee with a friend, and catch up on some reading and lesson planning. I might even write a few letters. I'll be glad when school's out! Only three weeks to go!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Posting, shmosting...

Yep, I completely dropped the posting ball-again. This month has been a whirlwind, and well-you get the picture...we all have busy lives. The fact is, when my life gets crazy and I have lots of stuff to think and work through, instead of writing through it, I tend to retreat into my head, which is where I've been lately. However, today I decided to come out and play, so here I am!

It has been a really fun weekend-starting with dinner with a couple from my church on Friday evening. We ate amazing steak and steamed asparagus and broccoli, and has biscotti for dessert. Yummy! Saturday, I went wine-tasting with friends at Tarara Winery. We came back to my house and made more amazing food like blackened chicken fettucini alfredo and roasted asparagus and colored peppers. We then went to a friends' house for a rousing game of Taboo...and let me say, you have never enjoyed Taboo until you've played it with South Africans!! We quickly were reminded that we were two countries separated by a common language. Sunday morning, a girlfriend came by for breakfast (we had to use up the leftover veggies from the night before in omelettes), then church. We barbequed after church with friends, ate ice cream in the afternoon, and watched a movie in the evening. Finally, today we met for brunch at IHOP, then another girlfriend came by for a few hours afterwards for conversation. Lastly, I took a nap and am now dreading tomorrow's return to a "normal" social routine!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Belated credits, and other news

So I forgot to mention that the Five Things Meme came from here-sorry, Libby!

Now that I'm done with spring semester classes, I'm having an interesting time coming home to whole evenings worth of time to relax! I'm taking this week as a sort of vacation-but only sort of, since I've got a million portfolios due over the next two days. Now that I think of it, it's a really good thing that I'm done with classes-I'd never make it through teaching AND being a student this week!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Five Things Meme

Five things found in your bag:
1. My amazing 3-headed highlighter
2. Starbucks card
3. teacher ID on lanyard, which I always forget to wear.
4. agenda, which I write things in and forget to look back at.
5. The new I Heart Revolution cd

Five favorite things in your room:
1. my chocolate and aqua leather jewelry box.
2. Sunset 1929 magazine cover poster:

3. Vermont dressers from Overstock

4.White quilt with blue toile country scenes.
5. 3 Euro pillows with navy velvet cases.

Five things you have always wanted to do:
1. Travel the world.
2. Play the piano proficiently.
3. Speak several languages fluently
4. Wear long, lean jeans.
5. Be a purveyor of justice and hope to the nations.

Five things you are currently into:
1. The I Heart Revolution
2. Spring Fever
3. Lakeland, Florida
4. Hillsong College
5. The BIG diet.