Sunday, January 30, 2005

Little Known Me

I thought it might be a kick to make a list of things people don't necessarily know about me.

1. I love to SCUBA dive.

2. I used to be a wedding planner. It's not nearly as glamourous as J-Lo makes it look.

3. My first love is acting on stage. I told my mom when I was about 9 years old that I wanted to be an actress, and she told me that I needed to find a "real" job that made a living. So I got a degree in biology. Where's the fun in THAT?

4. I have almost all the certification/licensure requirements met to be considered for a position as a dolphin trainer at Sea World. This is not accidental.

5. I can draw. Really, really well. Actually, when I went back to finish college, I debated between biology -> medicine, and fashion design. See how well that decision went. I also sew; not as well as I'd like, but well enough.

6. I built a closet into my bedroom when I was in high school. I also drywalled it and painted, with minimal assistance. Home Improvement, eat your heart out. Thanks dad, for believing I could do it!

7. I have two classes remaining for a degree in French. I can no longer speak it well enough to save my life, if it were ever necessary to do so. Not sure what to do with this.

8. I play the piano, the cello, and the trumpet, at least minimally. I once took a composition assignment and "composed" a hymn by taking an existing hymn and writing it backwards. Needless to say, it sounded terrible. I'm much better at singing-but I will master the piano if it's the last thing I EVER do.

9. I was the only person in the history of my high school composition and rhetoric class to score 100% on the verbals, gerunds and participial phrases exam. Today, I wouldn't know a gerund if it came up and bit me on the behind.

10. I love to jetski.

11. When I lived at home (with my parents), I grew several gardens-one of only flowers, one of herbs, and one entirely devoted to salsa. I also worked my summers through college at a greenhouse, so I know more than I care to about landscaping and water gardens.

12. I vascillate between wanting a big, floppy golden retriever, and a tiny non-yippy terrier that I can put in my purse and take to school with me. I just can't decide which one would be a better companion for a single career girl.

Know what this list says about me? I am reminded (once again) of my inability to focus.

Hi , my name is Donna, and I'm ADHD...

Just a leetle random...But I'm a lot of fun, too. :)

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Reality Bites

I have discovered that I have an inexplicable inclination to avoid dating Southern Baptist guys.


The majority of guys I meet whom I'd consider dating are, in fact, Southern Baptist.

Another reason I'm still single.

I should also add that I'm inclined as well to avoid pickup trucks with gun racks and "Got Squirrel" bumper stickers. And I have nothing against Southern Baptists...I just don't want to date them.

Illegitimate things to do while avoiding studying

1. Instant Message
2. Blog
3. Watch a movie
4. Read a magazine
5. Talk on the phone (Hi Sandi!)
6. Doodle
7. Check my email
8. Visit Balafon (Hi Gord!)
9. Play with my landlord's kids
10. Bake something
11. (Even worse) Eat something
12. Amazon or Ebay
13. Take online quizzes
14. Polish my nails (only in the most desperate circumstances)
15. Make wish lists

:P Of course, I never actually DO any of these things.

Legitimate things to do while avoiding studying

1. Laundry
2. Dishes
3. Gas up the car
4. Grocery Shop
5. Pay bills
5. Clean the bathroom
6. Vacuum/dust
7. Read my Bible
8. Organize my schoolwork (technically not studying)
9. Phone my mom
10. Phone my grandma
11. Plan my work schedule
12. Shower
13. Pack my lunch
14. Exercise
15. Practice piano, or French

Perils of the Internet

So how DO you get rid of a guy who is sweet but desperate, and keeps IMing you and can't, just CAN'T get the hint that you're not interested?

I hate to be mean. I'm such a sucker. But this guy HAS to go.

If I ever do that to any of you, just shoot me. or at least tell me to go away. Not that I'll listen.


Friday, January 28, 2005

Greetings and Salutations

Since I just sent my blog address to about a million people, in the random hope that one or two might visit, I thought I'd post a "hello" they'd see before delving into that last bit of nonsense I posted.

For anybody who hasn't talked to me in a while, here's the quick update:

I'm living in Virginia, going to graduate school to get my MEd. It's interesting to be taking education classes instead of science or health-related stuff, but it is a nice change of pace. I've quit the PA thing to do this (just because I hated it), and I'm also applying to medical school-finally!

Let's see, not dating anybody, but I did try the internet thing for a while, with fascinating results. Email me, and I'll be glad to comment.

Oh, and I have four adorable kids in my life these days-not counting my landlord's kiddos. And Angie's expecting for the fifth and LAST time in June. Hooray for being a vicarious parent!

What else? I'm headed to San Diego for spring break, maybe a medical mission trip in May or maybe France later this summer, if Manu will have me to warm her apartment floor and practice my subjunctive verb forms.

Anything else, just ask. I miss you all!



So today I was awakened by Lauren, my landlady's four year old daughter. She's looking over my shoulder as I write, fascinated that I'm writing about her. When asked what I should write, she replies, "I just want you to write my name....or if you have something to draw on your computer, something like a crayon, you can draw me on it then you can put me on the computer." My princess (her nickname) is doing the butterfly walk right now, with her feet together she's flapping her knees like a butterfly. I asked her to describe herself for the blog, what she looks like, and she said to me, "Well, if you look at me then you KNOW what I look like." (moronic me)

Thursday, January 27, 2005


I had begun with the intention of publishing a fascinating prologue to introduce myself, but after analysing what I'd written so far (I do that a lot), I decided that it sounded definitively boorish. Since I dread projecting such a profoundly inaccurate image (you don't even know me, after all), I nixed the whole thing and I'm starting over.

For anyone expecting profound political or philosophical statements, you're out of luck, I'm afraid. I'm either not smart enough or too disinterested to spend much time on such bothersome trivia. On the other hand, you'll find fun random blurbs here, so if that's your bag, check in every once and a while. :) Oh, and I'm not above the occasional rant.

I'm Donna. That's pretty much all you need to know, to start.
