Sunday, December 11, 2011

TIffany's, the Sydney Opera House, and Orchids

I had the most wonderful gift from a lady at college recently. She gave me two box seats for the Sydney symphony at the Opera House. After a magical evening that began with a steak dinner (filet mignon and a Hunter Valley Shiraz-yum) and ended with pink champagne, chocolate truffle gelato, and the most gorgeous orchids I've ever seen, I was thinking that I've been blessed to have attended several extraordinary events. I started counting them up and felt the need to list some of the amazing things I've gotten to do and see:

Itzhak Perlman
Joshua Bell
Kathleen Battle

The Sydney Opera House
Severance Hall
The Kennedy Center

New York
San Francisco
Los Angeles
New Orleans

Light Opera
Chamber Orchestra
Jazz Club-Chicago and New Orleans

I've gotten to:
visit four continents
visit 28 states
sing in an oratorio
go on safari
scuba dive in the Caribbean
try on diamonds at Cartier and Tiffany's
taste wines on three continents
live in a foreign country
own a dog
own an Empire Red KitchenAid
window shop on Rodeo Drive, 5th Avenue and the Champs-Elysées
fly first class to Paris
hike in a rainforest
shop Paris flea markets
swim at a colonial hotel in Africa
experience a complete day spa with my best friend from college
visit the Guggenheim, Smithsonian, the Louvre, the Museé d'Orsay and the Rodin Museum, Van Gogh Museum, Cleveland Art Museum, Chicago Field Museum and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney

I'm sure there's about a million things I've not listed, but even so, I have had a VERY full life in my 40 short years. I can't wait to see what the next 40 hold!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

For Courtney and Chris

and anybody else who wants an update of life in Australia. I've been promising this for awhile to those who are impossible to schedule a Skype date with... (bad grammar, Ski-but I'm leaving it this time.)

Ready to move on-in some direction. I've got work to do. I've been thinking a lot about what life will look like after Hillsong-while I still don't really know, there are some things that have come up lately that look interesting.

So, direction...

I feel like God's been defining things (some things!) for me over the last several months-and it really kicked in when we had our goodbye dinner for you, V!. My heart has always been for healing nations-but for years, I've defined it in a mostly physical sense. (You know-be a doctor, heal people.) I've realized that healing nations happens when you build people, and building people happens in community, where you get people encouraging and speaking into each others' lives about hope, destiny, vision and purpose. In the context of that, I looked around the table at dinner that night, and realized that we have formed community around my kitchen table in the last year...people have relationships around food. And food is what I'm good at-that, and networking people. So I think I'm supposed to heal nations by building people in community around my dinner table. Sounds crazy-small, but I think maybe it's crazy-big. And it could happen anywhere in the world. In fact, I've gotten more and more of a vision for home-the States as a base lately.

I feel like too, God's been growing my revelation of His church body. Just imagine if people really understood who they are and what they're gifted for, how healthy the Church would get?! I see Europeans understanding that their history of intellect, culture, the arts, stewardship, and even longevity (the European church having seen both the greatest abuses and the greatest revivals in history) are meant to build the Church-both locally and globally. When people get who they are and what they're here for, they stop looking at themselves and start looking around at building others. I SEE the church in W. Europe giving a hand UP to the church in E. Europe-mentoring, investing and bringing health to broken people who've been occupied for centuries, and breaking strongholds that perpetuate abuses like trafficking. I firmly believe that you can rescue and prosecute till you're blue, but the real change will come when the culture changes and people start valuing each other.

Just imagine, then-if a healthy Europe brought those things-history, longevity, culture, etc-to the global church as resource? And imagine, just regionally, if other parts of the world brought their strengths? Africans, with their extraordinary faith? Asia, with its extraordinary tenacity? South America, with its extreme passion? North America with our "If you can dream it, you can do it"/"sky's the limit" ingenuity and creativity? Then the church-The Church-gets healthy and can heal a broken world. THAT'S my vision. Not entirely sure how I do it, but I'm pretty sure it starts around a dinner table. :)

Aran did his prophetic thing in class the other week...he said to me, "God knows why you're here"-and I was like, I sure wish He'd tell me! I do know-but the worship aspect of things here still frustrates and baffles me. He said, "He will-you'll be doing something inocuous and one day the pennies will just drop, all the dominoes you've lined up in life will fall, and you'll know." He also said something to the effect that the next place I go won't feel forced (which here does a lot, you know), that there'll be a place for my gifts, and that it will be HOME. I have to admit, I like the sound of that-I'm a bit over feeling transient. He asked me last week what my plans are after I leave here, and I told him a bit of the above. He said to me, "You need a base to do this from-to go out and teach, and to write, and to take teams." He reiterated the "home" theme, and said that he thinks it will be the next place I go-or the one after that. Ironically, about six weeks ago, another friend from Hillsong asked me something similar-could I see myself being based in the States and taking teams to Europe or do I feel like I need to move to Europe? Also, my friend from home said something very similar to me a while back about having a base to take teams definitely something to consider.

I've also been challenged about writing a book. Aran might have mentioned it briefly, and another friend-actually two, now that I think of it-encouraged me to do so...SO, I'm trying to hear what God's saying about that, too. We'll see. And as far as what happens after this place, well. I have some recent ideas about that, as well. I've been increasingly drawn towards Bethel's worship and teaching lately. I've always wanted to visit and of course I have several good friends there in Northern Cal. I don't want to do their school-this is my time for that here-but I would love to be able to get there for some of the teaching and the culture. They embrace the supernatural lifestyle more than Hillsong does, and I have been missing that. (Sounds so weird to say it like that, but I don't know how else to put it.) I was on their website the other day, and found that they offer a TEFL course during the school year on Thursday nights. I'd considered getting my TEFL license before I came here-you know you can take that anywhere in the world to teach English-so it's not a new idea. I will still have one year left on my science teaching license when I go home next year, and VA has reciprocity with CA for teaching, so I could get a job teaching for a year in/near Redding, be part of Bethel, and take the TEFL course.

So...lots of wait and see, lots of 'God's up to something', lots of learning to trust Him...and I've also been challenged lately about finishing well, and being where I am at the moment. I'm trying to stay on top of things, and really embrace the season I'm in -after all, who knows when or if I'll get to Oz again?

That's me for now. Keep your Donna in prayer, kiddos. Is it bad to say that I'm feeling increasingly like I want the girl thing-a home and a family? . We'll see what God has in store. I'm good if I have to do this on my own-because I'm with Him, but it'd be nice to have someone to share it all with. Until then-if it happens!-I've got plenty to keep me busy. :)

Can I just say that I love having you two in my life? Even if you are MIA often (and I do understand-though I hate it! :P) , I'm thrilled to know that you're out there, somewhere. I miss you dreadfully, but I'm so glad things are working well on the African front...I'm so excited to see what God does with you guys. I pray for you regularly-let me know how I can pray with you, and keep me posted on life in general. Can't wait till I see you again-and to find out where it'll be! Much love to you both...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

m&ms musings

Blue m&ms are just weird. Food ISN'T naturally that color. I don't eat them unless I'm sure know that no one is looking, and not even all the time, then. And I'm bitter that they removed the tan ones because of them.

I'm still a little scared of the red ones, because of the red dye poison scare in the 80s.

I'm completely ambivalent about yellow ones. I wouldn't care if they stopped making them.

The brown ones are, they're the color of chocolate, and you know they'll always be there to remind you that you are, in fact, eating real chocolate pieces. It's like they're a little slice of reality thrown into the rainbow.

I adore the green and orange ones. In fact, I eat them in pairs, so that I can get the full satisfaction of having had both.

I always eat my m&ms in a pattern...the pattern changes from time to time-sometimes entirely eliminating one color at a time, sometimes even-ing out the colors, sometimes eating them in order of preference-the point is, there's always some kind of pattern to it.

Finally, it is significant to point out that I really could care less about m&ms in general. However, I think it is also significant to note that-even though I don't care about them-I have very thoroughly explored opinions about them. In other words, I feel like my attitudes towards m&ms accurately introduce the pathologies that I have in life in general. While I could detail these for you, I'm already bored by this conversation, so I won't bother.

That is all.

February come and nearly gone, without me writing CRAP. Which tells you just what kind of month this has been. :P

Just praying I can get in the swing of things soon. This WILL be a good year-if I have to drag it to "good" all year long...

:D ( <--This is me smiling through my gritted teeth...)

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Vanity Fair's Proust Questionnaire

Yes, I read Vanity Fair. And yes, I am a Christian. I love lists-if you've ever read this blog, you know that about me. This is a great list...

  1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
  2. What is your greatest fear?
  3. Which historical figure do you most identify with?
  4. Which living person do you most admire?
  5. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
  6. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
  7. What is your greatest extravagance?
  8. What is your favorite journey?
  9. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
  10. On what occasion do you lie?
  11. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
  12. Which living person do you most despise?
  13. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
  14. What is your greatest regret?
  15. What or who is the greatest love of your life?
  16. When and where were you the happiest?
  17. Which talent would you most like to have?
  18. What is your current state of mind?
  19. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  20. If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
  21. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
  22. If you were to die, and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
  23. If you could choose what to come back as, what would it be?
  24. What is your most treasured possession?
  25. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
  26. Where would you like to live?
  27. What is your favorite occupation?
  28. What is your most marked characteristic?
  29. What is the quality you most like in a man?
  30. What is the quality you most like in a woman?
  31. What do you most value in your friends?
  32. Who are your favorite writers?
  33. Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
  34. Who are your heroes in real life?
  35. What are your favorite names?
  36. What is it that you most dislike?
  37. How would you like to die?
  38. What is your motto?

Saturday, January 08, 2011

January Expectations

I love January.
Not the (usual) cold and ice and snow...
especially THIS year,
but the expectation, the newness,
the planning and organizing and sweeping clean
and starting new.

This month I've already been so blessed-
I know this year will be a year of the Lord's favor on my life,
and I'm already seeing it, with meals with friends,
the loan of a car for the last four weeks and the next,
free tickets to Sydney tourist spots...
God is good.

I look forward this month to
a new job-time to get back on a work schedule,
starting my second term of college at Hillsong,
voice lessons with Dee,
writing regularly,
photo blogging,
and digging into the Word of God.

I am excited in January about
establishing goals and
working out my vision for the year.

This will be a good year.
A VERY good year.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Frohe Neues Jahr!

Or "Happy New Year" in German, as I learned on New Year's Eve. Sooo much fun to spend the day with about a dozen German friends, enjoying the sun, playing games, reading, swimming, sunning, grilling, eating, chatting, sleeping, learning German, listening to music and waves, watching was SUCH a perfect way to spend the day, and to welcome 2011.

And so...2011 is here! It promises to be a good year of growth and favor. I was thinking about new year's resolutions, and looking over last year's goals on New Year's Eve. I think I've had two big revelations about this for 2011: discipline and completion. I really feel like it's important for me to focus on completing some of the things that did not get finished last year. With this in mind, some things I want to accomplish this year are as follows...

1. Read the books I've begun/bought/brought to Australia. These include:
~Fasting, by Jentezen Franklin
~Songs From Heaven, by Amanda Fergusson
~Talent is Never Enough, by John Maxwell
~For This I Was Born, by Brian Houston

Also, the Kindle books I've bought:
~Self Study Bible Course, by Derek Prince
~10 Principles for studying your Bible, by Charles Stanley
~The Daniel Fast, by Susan Gregory
~Getting the Pretty Back, by Molly Ringwald
~Dreaming of Dior, by Charlotte Smith
~The Message Solo, b y Eugene Peterson
~Shoeless Joe, by WP Kinsella

2. Listen to my Podcasts and have a clearout.

3. Develop my music:
~Practice piano
~Review theory
~Practice voice, and continue lessons with Dee

4. Develop my writing:
~Journal (PS. Also keep a photo journal of a photo a day)
~Bible Study
~Letters and Postcards home

5. Work on self-disciplines:
~Establish a reasonable bedtime pattern
~Limit Facebook time
~Read my Bible more
~Exercise regularly
~Eat more healthfully
~Write regularly

Enough already...more to come~