Monday, March 31, 2008

Crazy week, and still waiting...

This week is nuts-tons of school work, grad school work, family visits, and now I'm coordinating a wedding reception-in two weeks! Yikes. Oh yeah-and standardized tests this past weekend, too...I thought I'd finished those when I got my GRE scores and MCAT scores! Oh well-I'm sure it all went well, and I'm glad it's over.

In other news, no response from Joel, but I'm still hoping! Meanwhile, there's this cutish Verizon guy (like from the commercial) who's been hanging around a lot lately. I've decided he's my Twin of The Opposite Sex. Which means, according to the last boy I went around with, that he's ideally suited to me. The only real issue is his age-quite a bit of a difference (think Demi and Ashton). Still, if the rest is good and he doesn't care, should I? What do you girls think of that?

I'm also hoping for some more of those (so far fabulous) responses to my Ten on Tuesday from last week. Libby, you experienced married woman: what about you? Would Dear D. like to contribute? Anyone else? Go ahead, Dr. J.-I want to hear from you, too! I'll post my list later this week.

Happy spring, and I sure hope the rest of your weather starts acting like it!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

OK, so today from Ten on Tuesday, the topic is:

The 10 Things to Do Before You Get Married

However, since so many of you lovely ladies are married to such fabulous men, I was hoping you could give me some suggestions. What would YOU recommend I do before getting married??

Leave your suggestions in the comments and I'll post my resulting list later this week!

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Easter Day, and so on...

I must say that when I awoke yesterday, I wasn't as thrilled with life as I'd ought to have been. I remembered an Easter several years ago that could qualify as one of the worst days ever. It sort of marked the beginning of the end of a serious relationship (which end, in retrospect, I thank God for!). Anyhow, I was feeling a bit sorry for myself, but I put it out of my head and went on to church, and enjoyed a lovely time of worship and fellowship with my church family. I then had an errand to run after church, and unexpectedly enjoyed the company of a newfound friend who ended up turning the day into one of the most delightful ones I can recall. Hooray for hidden blessings!

And so, I have done something which I *hope* does not bring my blogworld crashing down around me...although, if it does, I will be surprised to have reached a higher level of popularity than I'd have thought possible. I have linked my blog to my MySpace account. Attention: if you are a MySpace spammer, GO AWAY NOW. If you are a regular reader, this may seem a bit cryptic, so just ignore this part of the post. However, if you are the reason I linked, then I extend my heartiest welcome to a new reader: Hi Joel! I look forward to getting to know you, but be forewarned-this blog is merely a partial expression of my most girly side. Still, it offers more than my MySpace does. (I really only set that up with minimal information so I could log in and view my friends' accounts. I never use it otherwise-it kind of freaks me out.)

Question: Will Joel Houston actually respond to my friend request on My Space, and will he find this link and will he actually take the time to read my blog? Who on earth knows? Today is a beautiful spring day, however, and weirder things have happened. And Good Heavens-Joel, if you read this, would you PLEASE at least let me know you stopped by?

Happy Monday, everyone!

(Do you really think he'd stop and read it? He's SUCH a busy, popular fellow-but oh my word, I have so much respect for him, I'd love to become his friend! )

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

He is not here;
He is risen,
just as He said.

Matthew 28:6

Today is my FAVORITE holiday.
Happy day, everyone!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Princess Lists

For your reading pleasure, more fun from my

  • I hate to wear pantyhose.
  • I always say what I'm thinking.
  • I abhor fake and pretentious people. See #2.
  • I couldn't deal with the paparazzi.
  • I can't dance.
  • I'm very clumsy.
  • My religious views are too conservative and too liberating for the general public's approval.
  • I would hate to live far away from my family, and there are no royal families in Ohio to be part of ...
  • I might take too many things personally from the voice of the media.
  • I don't know any princes to marry.

  • I speak French. Everyone knows that princesses must be able to speak French fluently.
  • I have a strong sense of style and great, though somewhat conservative, taste in fashion.
  • I am extremely diplomatic.
  • I love to travel.
  • I love to meet new people and to bring out the best in them.
  • I would be nice to the servants, and never leave them messes to clean up.
  • I would never scandalize the monarchy.
  • I am very well-read.
  • I learned several years ago how to dissuade unwelcome advances from ungentlemanly gentlemen.
  • I adore humanitarian causes.
  • I would look great in a tiara.
  • I would be an incredible patron of the arts.
  • I'm already a princess in God's eyes!

Friday, March 21, 2008


So, if you've been reading my blog AT ALL, you'll recognize my fondness for lists. I thought I'd share a few of my (59) lists from I love this site because it allows you to freeload list ideas from other list maniacs without guilt or penalty. Just a few of mine, for your reading enjoyment:

  • precise articulation
  • extremely fine fabrics
  • vintage jewelry
  • mid-century modern aesthetic
  • the Arts & Crafts movement
  • aqua and chocolate color combinations
  • a new journal and a smooth, fine tip pen
  • Chicago architecture
  • tea at the Ritz
  • halter top bikinis (Not that I can wear one)
  • high heels
  • leather accessories
  • dark, interesting woods
  • traveling alone
  • The Stage
  • ballet dancing
  • thinking in French
  • autumn tights
  • Lilly Pulitzer
  • expensive perfume
  • tulips
  • velvet
  • grande hazelnut skim latte
  • organic chemistry
  • Volvos
  • organization
  • Christmas
  • skiing
  • going to the symphony
  • my Empire Red Artisan KitchenAid mixer
  • Reisling, Gewurztraminer, and Sauvignon Blanc
  • hats
  • Hermès' Kelly bag
  • smart romantic comedies
  • fake fur
  • leather-bound books

  • Retail ANYTHING
  • Banker
  • Accountant
  • Car/insurance/real estate sales
  • Police officer
  • Military personnel
  • Secretary
  • Financial Analyst
  • Factory worker
  • Construction worker

(you get extra points if you know who more than three of these people are!)
  • Gilbert Blythe
  • Mr. Knightly
  • Fitzwilliam Darcy
  • Adam Eddington
  • Jim Frayne
  • Lex Upham
  • Joe Willard
(Disclaimer: I don't judge others who do the following things, they're just not for me)

  • Eat headcheese.
  • Get a tattoo.
  • Own a Porsche.
  • Date a redneck.
  • Say the f word.
  • Take God's name in vain.
  • cheat on my husband.
  • wear a miniskirt.
  • wear real fur (I don't have ethical issues with it, necessarily-I just think it's gross.)
  • bungee-jump.
  • skateboard.
  • choose to live in Detroit.
  • eat kimchee.
  • be ashamed of my height.
  • quit trying.
  • be mean to my nieces and nephews.
  • forget that I've been redeemed by Christ.
  • walk away from my God.
And on a remotely related note:

I thank God for the sacrifice that we remember today, Good Friday. I'm humbled and amazed to think that Christ would have endured the undeserved suffering He did even if it had been only for me. What an incredible weight humanity would have to carry if it weren't for His divine power of resurrection! I love this time of year-not just for the newness of Spring, but also for the reminder that my soul is renewed!

Happy Easter, everyone!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Girl Stuff

So I never, EVER splurge on girlie stuff-usually my splurges go on bookshelves. However, I found two gorgeous new shades of nail polish and I went crazy. (For a girl who doesn't wear nail polish, this is huge.) If you'd like to check out my new shades, google Sally Hansen and look up the new Salon line of nail colors. My two new colors are for my fingers (Can't Bare To Know) and for my toes (Raisin The Bar). However, I just tried out the toe color on my fingernails with lovely results. SOooo pretty!

Ok, so I also went to the bookstore...where am I going to put three more books? :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Feeling meme-y

This from Magnolias, Marriage and Manhattan (who went private for awhile, but I'm so glad she's back with us!)

50 Odd Things About Me Meme

1. Do you like blue cheese? It's a recently acquired obsession. Yummy on a salad with dried cherries, pecans and pears.
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? No-but I thought it was sniffed, not smoked? (Never did that either.)
3. Do you own a gun? No, and it's HIGHLY likely that I never will. I hate 'em.
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? We have no Sonic here-although we have the commercials as a teaser. I like the cherry and lime flavors, but it's been years (early college days) since I've indulged.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Only the dentist. I HATE going to the dentist.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Umm, ok-confession time: hot dogs (really GREAT ones) are a guilty pleasure of mine. I like Nathan's all-beef kosher dogs, with brown mustard, onions and ketchup.
7. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story. Ralphie grew up cute!
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? I make espresso in a little Italian-style pot on my stove and and make a sort of latte. Today it's Christmas Blend from the 'buck's.
9. Can you do push ups? Ummm, no.
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? It's a toss-up: my garnet earrings from Shari for graduation from college and my gold heart necklace with the opal that Dad had made for Mom years ago.
12. Favorite hobby? writing, reading, designing, cooking...
14. Do you have A.D.D? I have "an atypical form of A.D.D." that solely interferes with my ability to sort and prioritize. No problems with focus or processing speed. I also have the O part of OCD, and a mild form of dyslexia/dysgraphia. Believe it or not, I'm relatively functional as a human being-just not so much as a student.
15. What's one trait you hate about yourself? Lack of self-discipline
16. Middle name? Michelle
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.. 1.I really need to get my shower. 2. I should probably exercise today, too. 3. I wonder when I'm going to have time to go to Georgetown and pick up that nightstand I found on Craigslist.
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday. An Easter dress, bubble bath, a Susan Branch cardmaking kit.
19 . Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Coffee, Water, Pellegrino with orange juice.
20. Current worry? How am I going to get all those papers graded this week and still have a fun break?
21. Current hate right now? That I'm not spending Spring Break at home with my family.
22. Favorite place to be? At home with my family.
23. How did you bring in the New Year? I actually don't remember, but I know I was with my parents. Oh wait-My sister brought all the kids over and we played games, and then turned on the TV to watch the ball drop at the last second. Mom and I always watch the parade on January 1 together.
24. Where would you like to go? Paris. Sydney. Napa Valley. Chicago. Santiago. Denver. New York. A lake house. Around the world.
25. Name three people who will complete this? Not sure-but you're all tagged!
26. Do you own slippers? Yes, they are pink and look like ballet slippers.
27. What shirt are you wearing? my white flannel PJs with the navy blue flowers.
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Not so much. I'm really a high thread count cotton girl...
29. Can you whistle? Yes
30. Favorite color? Indigo. Scarlet. Periwinkle. It depends on the day.
31. Would you be a pirate? No. I think life on a boat would be claustrophobic and besides, I think pillaging is overrated.
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? Since I'm not usually too awake, I kind of don't think I sing then. Ironic, because I sing all the rest of the day...
33. Favorite girl's name? Julia, Lauren, Hallie, Kiki (just kidding)
34. favorite boy's name? Jason, Brian, Jacob, Matthew, Nicholas, Patrick (I plan to have more boys)
35. What's in your pocket right now? No pockets in my PJs.
36. What's something that made you laugh today? See my previous post.
37. Best bed sheets as a child? Raggedy Ann. I still have one of them tucked into a chest in my closet.
38. Worst injury you've ever had? I broke my pelvis in a car accident in '97. This was accompanied by a concussion and kidney and spleen bruises. I NEVER want to go through anything like that again.
39. Do you love where you live? Not especially, but I'm trying harder these days.
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? one
41. Who is your loudest friend? Alyse. I adore her, but she has no volume control. (She knows it, too.)
42. How many dogs do you have? Does the dog I bought for my parents eight years ago count? If so, one.
43. Does someone have a crush on you? I don't think so.
45. What is your favorite book(s)? Franny and Zooey, Pride & Prejudice, The Enchanted April, A Room With A View. Does the Bible count? I think of it more as a manual/guide than an actual book...
46. What is your favorite candy? Not such a big candy fan...chocolate and peanut butter is a whole 'nuther story though.
47. Favorite Sports Team? Do I have to have one? I stopped caring about sports (Not that I ever did much anyhow) when Michael Jordan left the Bulls.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? I have no idea. Actually, I don't really care what they do-I won't be aware of it, so they can play whatever they want.
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night? Talking to my mom on the phone.
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? There's something I need to remember to do....(And then I went back to sleep!)

Random Wednesdayness

First off, I'd like to thank all the contributors to my dilemma post. Thanks to some very good advice, I've decided to put the situation behind me for the rest of the week and deal with it next week when I get back to school (so I can enjoy the rest of my break). I am definitely going to talk to the girls, and I think a partial penalty is the best route to go, since I didn't actually see cheating as I had in the previous situation. We'll discuss a redo at a lower point value, or something along those lines. Whatever.

So I just rediscovered the funniest website ever. It's called Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures, and you may find it at Now here's my disclaimer: as a general rule, I am not fond of cats, and I strive for impeccable grammar. However, when you get such gems as this, who cares?

Then there are the cute ones...

And finally, an Easter pic:

How much fun is that??

Actually, you know what's really fun? I'm sitting at my computer writing silly things in my PJs at10:30 in the morning on a Wednesday, and I didn't even have to pretend to be sick to do it! Also, I just found the cutest dress to wear on Sunday at Ross yesterday for a mere $25. AND a new Nine West handbag for $12.99.

I think my requisite morning latte is in order now...followed by a bubble bath, perhaps?

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, March 17, 2008

8 Things revisited

I can't believe I forgot to add one of my most beloved, long-time passions to my 8 Things list a few days ago!

Surprise, surprise:

Passion # 10: Travel!

I was just reminded of this passion by a wonderful blog I've discovered belonging to Lars and Stephanie (who are both just too gorgeous for words, by the way) about their current adventures in France-and it would seem, the rest of Europe. I'm so envious of these two at the moment, but when I recall some of the fantastic travels I've had, I truly have nothing to complain about. You can find their tales here:

Oh, and if the Johnsons are checking out Chantico, thanks-and I forgot to mention, I'm a huge Pink Martini fan, too.


OK, so I have an ethical question for anybody who's interested in responding...

I teach seventh grade-you know, the age when everybody is just starting to realize that limits are testable. So last week, in one of my lower-level classes, I caught a girl copying off another girl's homework. They were entirely traumatized by the whole get a zero/talk to the dean/phone call home process, and I'm sure they'll think before doing it again. I get that their reasoning was that they didn't really think it was wrong because it was homework definitions copied from the book, so why not copy from each other? Once they understood that it was an integrity issue, they were both mortified. So, one problem reasonably well-handled.

So here's the real issue: Today I'm grading journals the kids have made from a unit we've just done about the Galapagos Islands. As part of their assignment, they had to come up with several questions they originated during the unit. I'm grading my top honors class, and I come across the journal of a student whose questions were great, and I made a comment on her paper to that effect. A few minutes later, I came across her lab partner's paper, and she had most of the exact same "original" questions. Now, both of these girls are favorite students of mine because they are sweet, smart, and have always held very high standards of integrity for themselves. I think that maybe I didn't make myself clear about the questions, and if I asked them to redo them, they would with no problems be able to appropriately correct their work. However, I can't seem to get away from the idea that if I treat these girls differently than the other two, I'm being entirely unfair. What should I do?? I don't want to be ridiculous and make a fuss over a mistake, but I also don't want to unfairly show favoritism.

HELP!?! Please??

Spring Break

Halloo, hallay, no pubescent children today!

Today's agenda:

1. Sleep in just a leeeetle bit-done. It's 10:15, and I just got out of the shower.

2. Do something with the mountain of (clean) laundry in my spare room. I never let it get out of hand, but last week it was all I could do to get it clean-forget about folding.

3. Clean the bathrooms-but good. It's Spring Cleaning week, and I'm trying something new: I've decided to take one thing at a time and do it really well. Then I'll reward myself with other fun stuff. Which is NOT this:

4. Grade ALL the papers in my schoolbag, even if it takes all day and into the night. I have Galapagos Island Nature Journals from all 140 of my kids, I have DNA scientist reports from about 70 of them, and I have DNA ethics semester papers from my 50 Honors kids. Augh. However, after today, I plan to have some serious fun this week, so heigh-ho, get busy.

5. Write a letter to an old college friend or two that I've disconnected from. This will be done when I can't stand to read another science paper.

6. Color a princess picture with my new box of 96 Crayolas for each of my two nieces (ages 2 and 4), and pop them in the mail.

7. Take a walk through my neighborhood this afternoon. Oh yes-exercise WILL be a part of this vacation, even if it KILLS me.

I hope YOUR day is productive!

Update: As of 4:21, I have the laundry done, and about 1/3 of my grading. This grading is killing me, but I'm determined that it's not going to ruin my week, so say a little prayer for me, will you? It needs to be DONE today. But Libby just reminded me-I think I need to color a princess. I'm going to set my timer so I don't get too off-task, and I'm going to play for just a minute.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

10 Things I'm Looking Forward To About Spring

1. Spring Break (which begins TODAY!!)
2. Easter
3. Flowers, flowers, flowers
4. Longer days
5. Warm sunshine
6. The Cherry Blossom Festival
7. Neighborhood walks
8. Teaching about animals (We've been doing cellular and micro all winter)
9. Getting in better shape
10. Hearing about my gramma's garden plans, and dreaming of a Midwestern summer.

Happy Saturday!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

8 Things

Entries will follow-I have to think about these.

From "...and Hijinks Ensued" a little extra from me!

8 Things I Am Passionate About

1. Articulate conversation.
2. Coffee. To be specific, Grande Hazelnut Skim Latte. I know-judge me if you must. Just know that I DO make it myself at home about half the time.
3. My fabulous family.
4. Music. Specifically, everything but country.
5. The development of nations. I want everyone to have a chance to live up to their innate, God-given potential.
6. Medicine. My decision not to pursue it just kills me whenever I think of it.
7. Languages. I'll master them yet, I will!
8. My relationship with God. I'm ever-growing, ever-developing, and hopefully becoming closer to the person I was created to be, as a result.

(Notice that teaching isn't on this list. Can I add another one?)

#9-Finding work to BE passionate about.

8 Things I Want to do Before I Die

1. Climb past the painters to Montmartre, and have a cafe at Les Deux Magots while listening to an accordion play La Vie En Rose.
2. Raise my very own children.
3. Who am I kidding?-I want to be in love with the most amazing man in the world.
4. Eat gelato on the Spanish Steps in Rome.
5. Work in developmental missions.
6. Publish a book.
7. Design my own line of clothes.
8. Develop selflessness.

8 Things I Say Often

1. What the heck?
2. Whatever.
3. You rock and roll.
4. Pobre sito/sita...
5. Hey chica/chico...
6. That's AMAZING.
7. Give me your shoe. (Whenever a kid forgets his writing utensil, he can borrow one from me for the price of his shoe. He gives back the pencil, I give back the shoe.)
8. Grande hazelnut skim latte, please.

8 Books I've Recently Read

(This is a little slim-I mean to update it after Spring Break!)

1. French Women Don't Get Fat. (aside: I'll bet SOME of them do.)
2. The Enchanted April
3. The Creative Call
4. Franny and Zooey
5. Cooking With Friends (yeah, like Monica and Chandler and the gang. I bought it at Christmastime for myself. It's actually pretty good, for what it is.)
6. The Lucky Style Manual.
7. The Classic Ten: The True Story of the Little Black Dress and Nine Other Fashion Favorites.
8. Late Bloomers.

8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over (from my iTunes list of top played...subject to change.)

1. I Will Love You-Fisher
2. The Luckiest-Ben Folds
3. Fragile-Sting
4. One-U2 with Mary J Blige
5. Lullaby-Josh Groban and Ladysmith Black Mambazo
6. Brazil-Pink Martini
7. Love Me Tender-Norah Jones
8. Found-Hillsong

*This list could be about 100 strong.

8 Things That Attract Me to My Best Friends

1. Balance
2. Intelligence
3. Fun-loving(ness?)
4. Conversational and articulate
5. Honesty/Integrity
6. Down-to-Earth Dreamers
7. Real-not game players, and nothing petty about them.
8. Loving and Kind

8 Things I Want People to Be Able to Say About Me

1. She cooks the best __________!
2. She's so giving. (note: I'm currently not.)
3. She's so disciplined! (See above note)
4. She's got such great stories!
5. She's so creative!
6. She really thinks about others. (Also see above)
7. I'd love to consult her about________________.
8. She looks great in that swimsuit. (Ok, now I'm just dreaming)

8 Talents I Want to Develop

1. Writing
2. Songwriting
3. Piano-I will master it yet, if it kills me.
4. Drawing
5. Sewing/clothing design.
6. Photography
7. Organization!! (Some say it's a skill...I say, bring it on, whatever it is.)
8. Letter-writing. I'm horribly deficient in my correspondence skills. Lora-you're amazing for putting up with me!

Four days until the start of Spring Break!

Monday, March 03, 2008

I'm back!

Today at the Princess Diaries (), I came across a fun list, and I thought I'd respond with one of my own (of course). This one is about celebrity crushes. The Princess made a comment about Tom Cruise, and I have to agree with her about his lack of talent. Really, the highlight of his career might have been Top Gun.

My crushes, in no particular order-but most of them definitely in the closet to preserve my status as an elegant princess:

Matthew Perry tops the list; if you've read my history of posts, you already know this. But is he gay? Because I can't figure out why he's single. He's got the best delivery of just about any comic actor this century. I know a lot of people would disagree, but I think he's unappreciated. He was brilliant in Studio 60 last year.

Orlando Bloom-I know, he's pretty. I don't care. I feel for him the way most women feel about Brad Pitt. (Who disgusts me, BTW.)

Eric Stoltz (the early years)-delivered the best kiss ever in Some Kind of Wonderful, and was so cute and wholesome in Memphis Belle. However, he entirely creeps me out in The Butterfly Effect.

Brendan Frasier, despite his idiotic movie choices, is always adorable.

Clive Owen, when he's not overtly psychotic.

Jeremy Northam. Who couldn't love him as Mr. Knightly? I daresay his appeal approaches (I say surpasses) that of Colin Firth in the role of Mr. Darcy.

Mark Wahlberg. I am ashamed to admit this, but he's entirely hot. And I am truly ashamed.

And my last shameful confession: I am secretly in love with both of the leading men from the Princess Diaries movies. Chris Pine is so dreamy-and kind of dorky. And Robert Schwartzman is the quintessential boy-in-a-band high school crush.

Addendum: Another shameful crush is Prince William. I went to see Juno this weekend, and the boy who sold me my ticket looked remarkably like His Royal Highness. It was so distracting, I was unable to focus on the previews at ALL. SO cute, I was nearly speechless. *sigh*