Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Just supposing I were a junior high or high school science teacher, I had to come up with a hypothetical list of classroom rules for an assignment today. Here they are:

1. Respect every person who enters this classroom. Talking while others (including teacher, classmates and guests) are talking is a sign of disrespect. Disrespectful behavior is grounds for removal from class.

2. Collaboration is one of the most important principles of science. We work as a team in this classroom.

3. Questions are the basis of scientific investigation. Feel free to ask any question you have thought about-no question will be ridiculed by teacher or other students.

4. For views of flying objects, take a trip to Dulles Airport. Nothing is to be thrown in this room.

5. This room will be clean before anyone is allowed to leave after class. Encourage your classmates to clean after themselves, or you’ll be helping them do it.

6. Unless you are interested in eating bits of preserved dead worms and frogs, as well as unidentified chemicals, refrain from eating in this classroom. Chewing gum and candy go in the trash when you enter the room.

7. Though technology is an important part of science, handheld communications or music devices are not known to make valid contributions to scientific knowledge. Cell phones, ipods, or other electronic devices should be left in your locker, or they will be confiscated.

I think that about covers it. I'm supposed to get feedback about this, so feel free to leave comments.

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