Friday, February 01, 2008

"Snow Day"!

There are very few things I truly adore about living in Northern Virginia, but one of the few is the inexplicable snow paranoia. We started the day with a two-hour school delay at 5:30, and changed to a snow day by 7:00. Newsflash: there is NO snow. We had icy rain for about 2 hours this morning, but now (at noon)it is 36 degrees, with an expected high of 51! Wimps, they are. But I'm taking the free day off!

So here's my To Do list today. I'm not sure which I enjoy more: making the list, or checking things off. :)

1. Put away Christmas ornaments which are sitting in my office in a laundry basket. Before you judge me, please note that all my ornaments have been individually acquired and therefore each one has its own box. It keeps them safe, but it's a royal pain to clean up after the holidays.

2. Catch up on my Bible study. I had made a goal to read through the Bible this year since it's been years since I've done so, and I have fallen dreadfully behind. Oh, my poor self-discipline. It's so neglected! Maybe this discipline will help in other areas of self-control, like diet, exercise and spending. I hope.

3. Mail my rent check. This should have happened yesterday but I ran from about 5:30 am to 11:00 pm, and so now I have to overnight it. Poo.

4. Write letters to my nieces and nephews, my grandma and one or two aunties. And if a certain friend gets really lucky, she might get one, too-with a fabulous waffle recipe and a Parisian Gourmet magazine.

5. Make Valentine cookies. I am so psyched-I love this holiday. I think Valentine's Day is the opportune reminder of showing love to our dearest friends and family. I gave in to the girly hearts phenomenon a few years ago after a long fight to resist the commercialism.

6. Send a condolence letter to a dear doctor friend of our family who just lost his wife in a breast cancer battle. There's a story that goes with this one, but that's for another time. However, I will say that I have long been tempted to gear up and do the Susan Komen 3 Day. Maybe this is the year. Any thoughts here?

7. Do SOMETHING about the paper fetish that has taken over my office. I have GOT to learn to scrapbook or something. It's out of control.

8. Make something delicious for dinner. I haven't eaten good food-or much food at all for about a week since the food poisoning incident. I'm ready to revamp my eating habits and eat fabulous and healthful fare.

9. If I get super geared, I might head to the piano (well, keyboard). I haven't played in months, and I SO need to get back in practice, just for personal enjoyment, if nothing else.

I can't think of #10, and I'll be lucky if I get half of this list done, so I'd better just stop. I'll let you know how the list goes. I'm hoping that the knowledge that you've seen this will be motivation to get it done. Maybe I'll reward myself with Juno this weekend, if I do finish!


Libby said...

That's a heck of a list! I think you should reward yourself with Juno whether you cross everything off it or not. :)

Lora @ my blessed life said...

So, how did you do on your snow day list? It was quite massive! How's #4 coming along?:) Just curious.....That recipe you mentioned sounds yummy.