Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Only One

in the US who's not watching the Superbowl. Well, I know it's not family isn't watching it, either, I know-I've been indoctrinated to not watch professional football on tv. I don't really care that much about it, except that it really makes for a boring Sunday night. I'm so glad that The Wedding Planner is on to alleviate my suffering. Matthew McConaughey, oh yes.

As for the To Do List, I'll update it when I finish it. I did get the Christmas stuff put away. Felize Navidad!


Libby said...

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Hey! How's it going? You must be busy...haven't *seen* you here in a while:)

Kate said...

I only watched a little too - had to support the Giants I suppose, but don't like football. Thanks for stopping by my blog!