Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Finishing what's begun...

I've been in Australia for the last 18 months, studying at Hillsong International Leadership College for a Diploma of Ministry. This experience has been so much more than I ever imagined it would be when I started the journey. I was told by a friend and former HILC student to "drop your expectations, but come expectant" and I've done my best to follow his advice.
Through the college and my time at this incredible church, I have gained insight into the Bible, as well as my own personal leadership and my ability to effectively lead others. I have learned what it is to "use what's in your hand to fulfill what's in your heart", to be motivated to serve rather than to be served in church and work, and to look for opportunities to bless others at every turn. I have experienced the elation of meeting and being led by people I've admired from a distance for many years, and the loneliness of being separated from my family and watching my sister's kids grow from across the planet. I've lost my grandmother during this time, and gained many lifelong friends from all corners of the Earth. I have been inspired to use my unique gifts and talents to make the world a better place, and to truly follow Jesus' command to love God and love my neighbor. I have had times of being stretched so hard it hurt, and growing so fast I feel like Alice in Wonderland. The time here has been a blessed time to make connections with future leaders from around the world; to plan, hope, dream and pray for a brighter future for the world, led by a strong, loving, generous Body of Christ.
I have financed the experience on my own, and I've had amazing things happen along the way that have affirmed the path I have chosen. Many small miracles (is a miracle ever small?) have popped up along the way: unexpected housing, the loan of a car, a free plane ticket to get here are just a few examples of how God has provided for me to be here. I've worked to pay my tuition and living expenses while I'm here, and while it's been a challenge at times, I've always had enough.
I''m looking at the final semester at college beginning at the end of January, and I know that God hasn't finished with me here yet. However, I need a miracle of provision to be able to enroll to finish my course. I must come up with $4720 to be able to stay in college, and therefore in Australia. I have been working through the holidays, and have been able to just cover my living expenses by living frugally. Please believe that I have struggled with whether to ask for help or not, but as I've prayed and thought about it, I realize that my time here is not just for my own growth, but also for the others I may be able to equip and serve when I finish and move on to the next phase of ministry.

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