Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Daily Grind
I head straight for the shower. I love a steaming hot soak to wake up by.
2. Breakfast - essential energy boost or unnecessary waste of time?
I wish I could do a lingering breakfast every day, with iced melon, French omelet, café latté and champagne mimosas. However, I'm lucky if I grab a banana on the way out the door. I must have my coffee, though.
3. Are you a person of routine, or is each day a unique chaotic adventure?
I love adventure, but I'm really most functional in a structured environment.
4. Do you go to bed because you have to or collapse onto the pillow every night?
I am a night owl, and I'll stay up as long as I can.
5. Early to bed, early to rise...or I'll be up by noon?
Theoretically I'm most productive in the morning-but only if I can get myself to bed early enough for lots of sleep. (See #4) The reality is that I HAVE to get up early to be at school, and on Saturdays I sleep till about 11:30.
6. What's your nightly ritual before going to bed?
I lotion my tootsies, brush my hair with a great massaging brush, wash my face and brush my teeth. I also love total quiet and complete darkness, but I'm not obsessive about it.
I'm so excited!
An alphabetical fashion meme
A: What accessories do you wear everyday?
Small but not tiny earrings, gold or silver ring, depends on which goes.
B: What is your beauty routine?
AM: Wash face, brush teeth, Bobbi Brown undereye miracle, foundation, concealer, powder, blush, curl eye lashes, eyeliner (optional), mascara (optional), lip liner, lipgloss
PM: Brush teeth, wash face, night guard
C: What was the last item of clothing (for yourself) that you purchased? Two turtleneck sweaters in incredible moss and persimmon colors at Stein Mart.
D: Do you use a dresser, closet, or both? Both. And a lingerie chest. The chest and dresser are the first real furniture I ever bought, and I love them both.
E: What type of earrings are in your ears right now? copper heart studs.
F: What type of figure do you have? Hourglass Amazon. (This is from Belle's answers, but it totally applies to me, too.)
G: Do you wear glasses? Yes, and they are very cool-they make me look smart.
H: What type of handbag do you carry? Depends on the outfit. Currently I have a red leather tote that holds everything. I dream of a Kelly bag from Hermès...
I: What is your ideal style? I love very classic looks, but on the casual Nantucket meets Eddie Bauer side. I also love very pretty clothes. You've seen Gwyneth? I would wear just about anything she does, if I could...
J: What jewelry are you wearing right now? None... now I'm in my pj's.
K: Do you wear knee-hi stockings? Yick. Blech. NO.
L: Do you *have* to wear matching lingerie? No. I'm lucky if I even own matching lingerie. I'm a neutrals gal.
M: Do you wear makeup? Yes, but I can mostly look like I don't.
N: Do you wear nightgowns? Nope, they bunch up. I like cotton shorts sets.
O: What outerwear do you put on when going out on a typical winters day? In Virginia, a typical winter's day requires not much more than my leather jacket and a scarf. At home in the Midwest, I don't even OWN a warm enough coat. I pray for a warm spell every year for Christmas, so I don't freeze to death.
P: What is your favorite perfume? Currently I'm loving Kate Spade Beauty.
Q: Is your motto "quality over quantity" when it comes to clothing and accessories? No way. My closet is somewhat bare bones, but everything goes with everything else, and it's all quality. Of course, I'd love for it to all be designer, but maybe someday.
R: Do you wear rain boots? No, but my grandpa always said that you need to keep your feet and head covered outside. I don't listen very well.
S: Do you wear socks or slippers when your feet get cold? Yes to both. I have pink ballerina flats that make me feel princessy, and I have thick fuzzy-wuzzy socks that make me feel very cozy-up-by-the-fire-ish. The socks also generate enough static electricity to serve as a backup generator in case my power ever fails.
T: Do you have a set of travel luggage? Yes and I love it. It's Dorsey and it is powder pink, and I wish I had Scotch-Guarded it before I ever checked it on a plane. Pink, ladies and gents, gets dirty FAST.
U: What is your daily uniform? Turtleneck, blazer and cords. I have to be comfortable.
V: If you are married, did you wear a veil with your wedding dress? Not married yet, but I'm not sure. I kind of think I might do a tiara.
W: Do you wear a watch? Yes, when I have a battery that works (not now).
X: What item of clothing always makes you feel eXtremely beautiful? Anything that looks like it was made for me.
Y: What is your favorite type of yarn? Cashmere, cashmere, cashmere.
Z: Do you prefer zippers or buttons? Zippers, I think.
I think this is going to turn out to be the most complete collection of memes on Blogspot.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving Thanks
1. I am thankful first for a God to be thankful to. Thanks, God-for all Your blessings.
2. I am so thankful for my incredible family:
Mom and Dad, who love me so unconditionally, and who are the most kind and considerate, giving people I know.
My sister Angie, and for the incredible relationship we have. Who would have EVER thought we'd be such close friends back in the days we used to be so mean to each other? Thank God there's forgiveness and grace for childhood angst between sisters.
Troy, who is the most covertly thoughtful and giving brother in the world. I know you don't want anyone to know it, but you're amazing. I love you, kid...even though you're not a kid, you'll always be about 19 to me.
Jeff, the best blessing that has happened to our family in the last 14 years. You're an incredible brother-in-law, but an even more incredible friend. I love the perspective you bring and the relationship that we've cultivated during these years. You're the best.
Caleb, my baby nephew who's not a baby anymore. :P I love the way you think, Caleb. I am so thankful that we have such a special bond between our brains, and that it goes between our hearts, too. You are the most amazing 9 year old I know.
David, you are the most thoughtful and helpful kid I know. I love you so much, and I appreciate your heart that jumps to help as soon as you see a need. You're incredible.
Jaren, I love your creativity, your smile, and your laugh. You are a true artist, and I can't wait to see where your talents take you. I love you so much, and I can't wait to tickle you when I get home and hear that wonderful giggle. You are awesome.
Annalese, what a wonderful princess you are. You are such a sweet girl, and I love you with all my heart. I love the way you remind me to be a little girl again. You are precious.
Selah, for being such a miracle of grace. You are a sweetheart, and I love you dearly. I am so thankful that you are our baby. I can't wait to see how you grow.
For the rest of my incredible family-my two amazing grandmas, my super aunts and uncles, cousins and cousin-in-laws, and children of everyone...you are awesome, and I am so thankful for you all!
3. For a good job doing fun and worthwhile work, and for making a decent salary doing it.
4. For my cosy apartment (with its Christmas tree!), and a safe place to live.
5. For my dear, dear friends far away who I love and value so much: Shari and family, Hallie Beth, Holly (Happy belated birthday!), Jenni Jo, Lora (who persists in being my friend even though I am terrible at staying in touch), Carrie, Kay, Becca and Amanda, who's not so far, but feels like it sometimes! You are all the best friends a girl could ever have!
6. For finally finding a wonderful church family, with a whole crowd of new friends and family, including my new set of little sisters: Ash, Jen, Erica, Angelique, Madelein, Alyse, and Erica. For people who take the resources to share life in my direction: Duane and Marie, George and Patsy, Jim and Bonnie, Steven and Jeana, Liz and Tony, and Ken and Michelle, and everyone else. I thank God for all of you.
7. I am so thankful for good health. I take it for granted so often, but it is truly such a blessing.
8. For peace in the streets of my city. There are so many who live in constant fear and war, I am grateful that I am not one of them. God bless and protect those who are in such situations, and I pray for peace in places like Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, and elsewhere as quickly as possible.
9. For a sound mind, and a creative spirit.
10. For music in my heart and the ability to express it effectively. I'm not sure how my life would be without music, and I'd hate to ever know.
There are about a million other things I'm thankful for this weekend and all the rest of the time, too-but those are the main ones. I am so blessed.
Friday Fill-in #47
From Janet at http://fridayfillins.blogspot.com/
1. I enjoy spending time with my nieces and nephews more than anything else.
2. Blogging satisfies my need for making lists.
3. When I look at a full moon, I feel awestruck.
4. If I want a snack, I usually reach for a handful of almonds.
5. The most recent movie I saw, Miracle on 34th Street made me nostalgic.
6. If only I could figure out how to get a good paying and rewarding job closer to my family.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to chilling out with a movie, tomorrow my plans include church and Sunday, I want to get to bed early.
A, B, C...
A-Available or single? Er, confused. If someone will tell me the distinction between available and single then I'll tell you which category I fall under. I think I'm both.
B-Best Friend? Depends on the subcategory. College-Hallie, Cleveland-Holly, Married-Shari, Virginia-Amanda, High School-Jenni, etc, etc...
C-Cake or pie? Key Lime Pie
D-Drink of choice? Grande Hazelnut Skim Latte
E-Essential item I use everyday? pen/pencil and paper
F-Favorite colors? Indigo, Scarlet, Periwinkle, Black, and Yellow Cream.
G-Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms? neither, gummy anything is gross.
H-Hometown? Orrville, Ohio. Currently Leesburg, Virginia.
I-Indulgence? Yes. I have several, but the most tangible one is Starbucks. I could also include bubble baths (and bath products), travel, magazines, and books.
J-January or February? February. Usually there's a freakishly warm spot near the end of the month, and it's the only thing that gets me through the rest of the winter.
K-Kids and names? None yet, but I have an imaginary dog named Chandler...
L-Life is incomplete without? My family.
M-Marriage date? I'll let you know...
N-Number of siblings? Younger brother 8.5 yrs, younger sister 3.5 yrs and my (adopted) brother, my brother-in-law 2.5 yrs.
O-Oranges or apples? Depends on the season and how much work I have to do to peel the orange.
P-Phobias or fears? suspension bridges and islands. And sharks. I think that's because some moron thought it would be cute to show the Jaws movie to my class in 7th grade. I was terrified for years.
Q-Favorite quote? I have two:
"On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined..." George Gordon, Lord Byron
"Nothing is worth more than this day." Goethe
R-Reason to smile? You most often have to give me a reason NOT to.
S-Season? Fall for the colors and clothes, but Spring for the new life and flowers.
T-Tag? Dr Jill.
U-Unknown fact about me: I adore retro style.
V-Least favorite vegetable? Lima Beans.
W-what item could you not live without? my toothbrush
Y-Your favorite food? Lebanese.
Z-Zodiac? Libra
Friday, November 23, 2007
I give you money and send you into the grocery store to pick up 5 items. You can only pick one thing from the following departments.. what is it?
1. Produce: vine-ripe tomatoes
2. Bakery: pumpernickel bread
3. Meat: filet mignon
4. Frozen: Ben and Jerry's Mint Chocolate Chunk
5. Dairy: Extra-sharp New York Cheddar
Let's say we're heading out for a weekend getaway. You're only allowed to bring 3 articles of clothing with you. So, what's in your bag?
1. My Gap jeans
2. black cashmere turtleneck
3. Black leather jacket
If I was to listen in on your conversations throughout the day, what 3 phrases or words would I be most likely to hear?
1. That's hysterical.
2. What the heck?
3. That's awesome.
So, what 3 things do you find yourself doing every single day, and if you didn't get to do, you probably wouldn't be in the best mood?
1. Having a shower
2. Drinking my skim latte
3. Brushing my teeth
We're talking a 3 hour block with nobody around. What 5 activities might we find you doing?
1. Surfing the Web
2. Going to Starbucks with my journal or laptop.
3. Watching FRIENDS reruns; I missed it on its first run.
4. Organizing
5. Reading
We are going to the zoo. But, it looks like it could start storming, so it'll have to be a quick visit. What 3 exhibits do we have to get to?
1. Lions
2. Tigers
3. Giraffes
You just scored tickets to the taping of any show that comes on t.v. of your choice. You can pick between 4, so what are you deciding between?
1. Oprah
2. What Not to Wear
3. FRIENDS (I know it's not on any longer, but I'm only dreaming anyhow, right?)
4. Anything with Jacques Pépin
You're hungry for ice cream. I'll give you a triple dipper ice cream cone. What 3 flavors can I pile on for ya?
1. Ben and Jerry Mint Chocolate Chunk
2. Rocky Road
3. Moosetracks
Somebody stole your purse/wallet…in order to get it back, you have to name 5 things you know are inside to claim it. So, what's in there?
1. iTunes download cards from Starbucks
2. stamps
3. checkbook
4. gift cards
5. my Harris Teeter card
You are at a job fair, and asked what areas you are interested in pursuing a career in. Let's pretend you have every talent and ability to be whatever you wanted, so what 4 careers would be fun for you?
1. Doctor
2. Fashion Designer
3. Movie Star
4. Diplomat
If you could go back and talk to the old you, when you were in high school, and inform yourself of 4 things, what would you say?
1. It doesn't matter what the IN crowd thinks of you. It doesn't matter what anybody thinks.
2. Ignore the boys...they're not worth the attention yet.
3. Focus on your schoolwork-you have scholarships just waiting to be handed to you.
4. Spend more time with Tommy-he's not going to be around for long. (He died in a car crash in 1992.)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I found a few taste-alike recipes that I thought I'd include for anyone who wants to get an idea of what they are missing.
Homemade Chantico
3/4 cup warm water
3 heaping tbsp Frys Coco Powder
8 heaping tbsp sugar
2 tsp cornstarch + (1 tbsp water)
1 pinch salt
2 tsp butter (optional) Heat the water to near boiling. Reduce heat to medium. Add the coco and the sugar. Stir with a wisk for about 5 minutes to really dissolve the coco powder. In a seperat bowl, add water to cornstarch and mix until completely dissolved. (If you don't, you'll get some nasty clumps.) Add the cornstarch mix to the coco/sugar mix and wisk briskly. After a minute or so you *should* have a smooth velvety yummy drink! For more flavour, add the salt and butter. It will thicken a bit as it cools, so add just a wee bit of hot water to thin it out again. The result is a very rich dark sweet cocoa, very similar to $tarbuck$.
chocolat chaud a l'ancienne
(old-fashioned hot chocolate)
3 7-ounce servings
1 1/4 C whole milk OR 1 cup evaporated milk plus 1/4 cup heavy cream
2 teaspoons cornstarch
pinch kosher salt (don't omit- see comment below)
1 to 5 oounces semisweet or bittersweet chocolate such as Valrhona or Ghirardelli.
(if using 3-9 tablespoons cocoa powder, see note below and add 1-3 tablespoons unsalted butter)
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of cinnamon, chili powder or cayenne for mystery
sweetener: up to 1/4 cup golden syrup (you could use light corn syrup) OR superfine sugar (not confectioners)
OPTIONAL 1 to 2 teaspoons of a sweet liqueur (such as dark rum or Grand Marnier), adding it with the vanilla
OR OPTIONAL 2 tablespoons ginger syrup
OPTIONAL Unsweetened or lightly sweetened whipped cream as a garnish In bowl of food processor fitted with steel blade, combine both chocolates, sugar, and salt. Cover; process at high speed just until chocolates are finely ground. Set aside near stovetop.
In a one-quart, heavy-bottomed, nonaluminum saucepan, heat milk over low heat, stirring often with small whisk, until it is steaming hot. Carefully add chopped chocolate mixture (don’t let the hot milk splash you as you do this!).
Continue cooking mixture over low heat, stirring almost constantly with whisk and scraping bottom and sides of pot with rubber spatula frequently. Mixture will steam for several minutes before coming to a boil, and as temperature increases it will thicken slightly. When mixture achieves a boil, continue cooking and stirring for just 30 to 45 seconds.
Remove from heat; whisk in vanilla and any optional ingredients. Divide among small mugs, top with light whipped cream, and serve immediately. Whipped cream isn’t mandatory as a garnish, but it actually cuts the richness and adds to the elegance. If you use a lightly sweetened whipped you will probably want to reduce the sugar or other sweetener in the drink.
If you have leftovers, cool briefly, then chill, covering tightly when cold. This will last for a day or three in the fridge. To reheat, make sure your mug is microwaveable. Heat in microwave at 50% (medium) power for short intervals, stirring well after each, just until mixture is very hot.
Try to use top-quality chocolate. If you can only get grocery store cocoa powder, it won't be quite as yummy; get Schwarzenberger's, Hershey's or Droste and add the butter.
Note: If using cocoa powder, muddle all ingredients together with a little milk, just enough to make a smooth paste, using the back of a spoon to rub the wet ingredients into the dry ones. Add a cup of milk very slowly to the paste, beating constantly to incorporate. Taste. You may want to add more milk, or any of the other ingredients to taste at this point. When you've got it right, put on the stove at low heat until it's as hot as you want it. Whisk briskly while heating and before pouring. Add a liberal dollop of whipped cream, if desired.
Comments about this recipe: Yes, you really do use up to 2 ounces of chocolate in a 7 ounce serving. The cornstarch is important. It does thicken the drink slightly, but there's more. Starch is an emulsifier which keeps the cocoa butter (which is a fat) from separating and rising, preventing that dark skin on top. With this small amount, most of the skin is prevented, but more makes the drink too thick. Also, don’t omit the salt here. You use a tiny quantity, but without it the drink will taste flat.
Ultra-Rich Hot Chocolate
Home made and ultra good!
4 servings
time to make 16 min
4 cups milk
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup sugar
4 ounces bittersweet chocolate or semisweet chocolate, chopped
1 pinch salt
miniature marshmallows
whipped cream (optional)
1. Bring milk, cocoa powder and sugar to simmer in heavy large saucepan over medium-high heat, whisking frequently.
2. Add chocolate; whisk until melted and smooth.
3. Add salt; bring to simmer, whisking constantly until frothy.
4. Ladle into 4 mugs.
5. Sprinkle with marshmallows or dallop of whipped cream.
6. Makes 4 servings.
For New Readers
1. I am 36 years old, but I have never had someone guess my age correctly. They always guess younger, and usually it's around 27-28. Which is how old I feel, so it's ok.
2. I was born in Michigan, grew up in Ohio, and am a total Midwest girl. This is because I appreciate the values and the friendliness. I also love the summers in the Great Lakes. Not so much the winters.
3. On the other hand, I have a great big worldview compared to a lot of the Midwesterners I know. I think more about the general state of human affairs than the local high school football season. A LOT more.
4. I have lived on the Mid-Atlantic seaboard for five years. I am only just deciding that I like the D.C. area ok, but in my heart of hearts, I still love Chicago the best. Go Cubs! I dream of Michigan Avenue and a skyline overlooking gorgeous Lake Michigan.
5. I currently teach 7th grade Life Science in a pretty wealthy school district. I like life science, but since my scientific interests are largely related to humans, I get bored with a lot of the stuff I have to teach. Luckily for me, 12 and 13 year olds are never boring, whatever else they may be. This years' class is very high maintenance, which means that I come home exhausted most nights.
6. I'm currently single, I've been in true love just once, and though I am keeping my eyes open for Mr. Right, I'm not freaking out about it. I tend to like younger guys more than older ones, or even than ones who are my age. I'd love to have a family and raise kids, but for now I just live vicariously through my sister and her brood of five. They are awesome; there's no other word for them.
7. I am pretty tall, have medium brown hair and green eyes. As much as I wish I could say I am svelte, I'm not remotely, but I'm working on it. I think I'd have great legs, if I ever get there. They certainly are long enough-I can never find pants that fit right.
8. I love entertaining my friends more than doing anything else on the planet. I would love to learn to cook more like a true chef, without having to work in a restaurant. (I'd loathe the hours.) I just bought two Jacques Pépin dvd sets.
9. I have an amazing apartment. I am very blessed, though I can't have pets. I can't wait to decorate for Christmas.
10. I love gorgeous clothing more than I care to admit. I'm big on the quality over quantity philosophy. I'm a cashmere and champagne girl living on a cotton budget.
11. My favorite colors are periwinkle, creamy yellow and scarlet, but not together. I love black toile, and I want to redecorate my living room in dark brown with aqua accents.
12. If I had a dog, it would be either a Westie or a Scottish terrier named Chandler. That's right, after the guy on Friends. If I had both, one would be named Joey.
13. I think Shalom Harlow is the most exotically gorgeous woman alive. When the chunky highlights trend first came out, I put white-blond streaks in my hair modeled after a photo shoot she had in Vogue. It was an awesome look for me, but it killed my hair's health. I love that she's doing the ads for Tiffany & Co. right now.
14. I collect the Way I See It blips off the Starbucks cups, but not indiscriminately. Believe it or not, there are some pretty profound things on those cups. And some not so profound things, too. They hang on my fridge.
15. I obsess over finding the exactly appropriate word to describe things. I'm sure there's a name for this disease, and I'm sure that somewhere, there's a job doing this where people actually appreciate it. If you know of one, please share.
16. I have a mild form of dyslexia that makes me mix up letters in words. This is ironic considering that I also am OCD about spelling things correctly.
17. I avoid collecting things that need to be dusted, since I loathe dusting. Things I sort-of collect are: postcards, vintage children's fiction, Japanese tea dishes, perfume, Limoges boxes (I know this is an exception to the dusting rule, but they are awesome. I only collect the ones I absolutely adore.), cookbooks, museum art magnets, German glass-blown Christmas ornaments, and vintage magazine art. I have *some* roosters in my kitchen, but I refuse to collect them. I can just SEE the disaster that would erupt. Yikes.
18. I am a recovering procrastinator. By the grace of God, I will not live my life under the pressure of missed deadlines.
19. I can be very charming and funny, but only if people give me a chance to be. Usually they think I'm very intellectual and serious. This is not remotely true, but I apparently haven't figured out how to change the impression I make. They figure it out sooner or later as they get to know me.
20. I love music more than almost anything in the world. My iTunes has about half of my cd collection in it, and I am up to 3, 178 songs.
That's it for now. Happy Thanksgiving!
Finishing My 100
82. I have an irrational fear of suspension bridges induced by video footage from the collapse of the San Francisco Bay Bridge in the late 80's.
83. I also have insulaphobia...a claustrophobic fear of islands. I'm not entirely certain, but I think this also applies to cruise ships.
84. I've secretly wanted to be an actress since the fourth grade.
85. I've got a crush on Matthew Perry, but a bigger one on John Cusack. I would LOVE to get inside his head. Besides Matt and John, Clinton Kelly is one of the few men older than me who I find attractive. On the younger side, I think Orlando Bloom is very, very sexy.
Johnny Depp, Edward Norton, and Clive Owen can all either make me fall in love with them or creep me out.
86. I've only been in love once, and it was painful. He was wrong for me, and I persist in the belief that when it's right, it won't hurt.
87. Some of my favorite holiday traditions include:
Thanksgiving-Macy's Parade and It's a Wonderful Life;
Christmas-Handel's Messiah, A Christmas Story, Home Alone, Mom's Christmas breakfast coffee ring, silly stocking stuffers, kiflis and chicken paprikas, creme puffs for grandma H., and Christmas Eve church with my family.
January 1-The Rose Bowl Parade with mom and HGTV, party with my sis and her hubby, and the Vienna Philharmonic on PBS.
Easter-photos in front of the house no matter what the weather, mom making dresses till all hours, and Easter baskets no matter how old you are.
July 4-Orrville's fireworks and carnival in the park for a week. The firemen's parade down main street and sweltering with the marching band.
88. Sometimes I wish I were a real, live princess, complete with tiara and a palace (that I don't have to clean). And a Prince Charming, I guess, too. In my head, he sort of resembles Chris Pine. I have a ridiculous collection of princess books and movies-including Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and of course the Princess Diaries.
89. I have a magazine fetish. I subscribed to Victoria for ten years, and then retired all except my favorites to my best friend. I currently subscribe to Sunset, Midwest Living, House and Garden, Travelgirl, and Cook's Illustrated. I'm also a regular purchaser of Simple Living, Town and Country, and Oprah's O magazine. I also have been know to swipe the occasional doctor's office Southern Living for the recipes. My favorite magazine ever (Weekend) folded within a year of beginning publication.
90. I have an elaborate airport ritual. It includes (but is not limited to) Starbucks, an international magazine purchase, and Olympic people watching. For some inexplicable reason, I always order tomato juice on the plane; I never drink it on the ground. I also always try to get window seats.
91. While in college/grad school, I have studied/majored in: piano performance, vocal performance, International Law, English, French, Chemistry, Biology, Physician Assistant Studies, Education, Gifted Education and Public Health Education.
92. My favorite singers on the planet are Bono and Sting. I cried when Pavarotti died.
93. When I was 13, I carried Kirk Cameron's photo around in my wallet. Ironically, when I was 13, I also had a crush on my classmate Richie Thomas, who bore more than a passing resemblance to Kirk. More ironically, I hear Richie is now working in television.
94. I have an unhealthy obsession with the style of Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and Jackie Kennedy. I love, LOVE classic. Celebrities I currently think of as classic are Charlize Theron, Anne Hathaway, Uma Therman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Garner, Reese Whitherspoon and Kate Beckinsale and the Miller sisters. I also need to place my best friend Shari into this category. She's one of the classiest people I know.
95. I can count to ten in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish and to three in German.
96. I have no fewer than 16 different designer perfumes in my bathroom.
97. I adore Chicago architecture, Amsterdam coffee, and the views of LA from the Getty. Flying over the Sahara and the Alps, and going on safari have been the highlights of my life adventures so far.
98. I think I'm secretly in love with either a guy named Michael I met briefly in college 15 years ago who introduced me to REM, or a guy named Andrew whose last name I don't even know who was studying to be a priest at last contact. I think the only near-perfect guy for me I've ever known might have been another college friend (nameless) who is now married with two kids and (coincidentally) moving to my area next year.
99. I love the songs Lady In Red, Fragile, and In Your Eyes. I could probably add about 100 more to that list if you gave me about 10 minutes. I also have a song for every boy I've ever majorly crushed on. The one I was in love with got several songs, including My Funny Valentine, The Luckiest, Guess I Was a Fool, I Used to Love Him. Just about in that order, too. Ha, funny.
100. I have no boundaries when it comes to bedtimes. It's 3:59 AM, as I type. Good NIGHT.
Here's a Home Meme from Perfectly Plump Preppy:
1. What kind of SOAP is in your bathtub right now?
Caswell-Massey Olive Oil and Orange Blossom. I'm traumatized because I think they are discontinuing this fragrance, and it's my favorite.
2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?
No, I don't like it, so it's never there.
3. What would you change about your living room?
I need plantation blinds on the windows, and a new couch. I also would love to get two of these incredible Jacob chairs from Pier One.



4. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?
Clean, but only just...
5. What is in your fridge?
Cheese, skim milk, dijon mustard, ketchup, eggs, butter, and a leftover felafel.
6. White or wheat bread?
Pumpernickel or Sourdough, actually. I've always been a nonconformist.
7. What is on top of your refrigerator?
A wooden tray made especially for me in Sweden that holds my coffee and tea condiments.
8. What color or design is on your shower curtain?
It is white cotton with Battenberg lace. Not exactly me, but classy and the price was right.
9. How many plants are in your home?
Seven. I wish I had more.
10. Is your bed made right now?
Sort of.
11. Comet or Soft Scrub?
12. Is your closet organized?
Ummm, right. The principles are there, but the execution is somewhat elusive.
13. Can you describe your flashlight?
Red Maglight.
14. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
Glass or ceramic Starbucks mugs from major cities I've visited. I mostly drink coffee at home.
15. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now?
No, I like tea in the summer.
16. If you have a garage, is it cluttered?
No garage, very little storage. :(
17. Curtains or blinds?
White paper blinds in the bedrooms, and nothing on the living room; bamboo rolldown shade in the kitchen. None of this is my preference, but it's ok.
18. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Five. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get married.
19. Do you sleep with any lights on at night?
20. How often do you vacuum?
It's broken at the moment...
21. Standard toothbrush or electric?
22. What color is your toothbrush?
23. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?
Yes, it's a brown rattan.
24. What is in your oven right now?
Oven racks and a mess on the bottom that I haven't had the courage to deal with.
25. Is there anything under your bed?
a keyboard and dust.
26. Chore you hate doing the most?
27. What retro items are in your home?
some art, some clothes, lots of books and architectural magazines.
28. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?
Theoretically, yes. I have a spare room which I call the office but little actual work happens there. Not sure what to do about this. I do my best work at Starbucks.
29. How many mirrors are in your home?
30. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home?
Lots of change in an urn from Tijuana on the mantle.
31. What color are your walls?
Caffe latte in the dining and living rooms. Red with black cabinets in the kitchen. The bedroom and master bath are shades of periwnkle, and the spare room/office is creamy yellow. The hall bathroom is a sort of light peachy sunset color. NOT how it was supposed to look.
32. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?
Do 3 inch heels count?
33. What does your home smell like right now?
Laundry softener.
34. Favorite candle scent?
Clean cotton/linen, summer rain...oh, I also love Target's orange and clove for Christmastime.
35. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now?
None, but I like Tony Paco's Pickles and Peppers. Can't find them here in NoVA.
36. What color is your favorite Bible?
37. Ever been on your roof?
No. I have no idea how to get there, even if I wanted to go.
38. Do you own a stereo?
Not really. I have a little boom box with cd player. I have great speakers on my computer and my itunes is chock full of my collection. I also have XM Radio on my DirecTV.
39. How many TVs do you have?
One, in the bedroom.
40. How many house phones?
I only use my cell now, so it seems senseless to have a landline that no one ever calls. Sooner or later I'll get rid of it.
41. Do you have a housekeeper?
No but I'd LOVE to have someone in every week or two for cleaning. It's totally frivolous, so no.
42. What style do you decorate in?
Streamlined traditional, at the moment. I vascillate between retro and Arts and Crafts. A little bit country and a little bit rock 'n roll.
43. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints?
Solid, preferably. Toile can be super classy if it's not overdone, though.
44. Is there a smoke detector in your home?
One. I have no idea if it works.
45. In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you’d grab if you only could make one quick trip?
I'd grab my emergency folder with my passport, etc. in it, my external hard drive to my computer, my kids' art folder, and my Empire Red Artisan KitchenAid. (It was such a frivolous purchase, i know I'd never buy another one.) If I had time, I'd also get my jewelry, christmas ornament, and my journals.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Back, and Better Than Ever!
I got stuck on Blogthings last night taking silly quizzes, and here are some of the little-known "facts" about me I found interesting:
NOTE: I've just finished this, and it is REALLY long. But interesting-complete with commentary.
1.You Should Drive a BMW

NOTE: I'm IN-where do I pick it up?
2. Your Career Type: Artistic
Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor
The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.
NOTE: Not sure about this one, but I KNOW that they are right on about the worst options...
3. You Are New York (vs LA)

NOTE: Cool, except for the competitive, driven part. Which I think puts me out the the running as a New Yorker.
4. You Should Date A Swede!

NOTE: You'll find that there is an interesting Sweden theme going on throughout this. I love Sweden-in the summer. And Swedish men can be gorgeous!
Your Preppy Name Is... |
![]() But most people know you as Kiki!as Kiki |

7. My date fashion style is Classy. Since I like younger guys more often, it's kind of no wonder I never have a date.
8. My dream proposal is a snowy holiday one. This is unexpected, but right on-I'd love to be proposed to in NYC at Christmastime.
9. My dream honeymoon is Europe. I like this idea. Got to find Mr. Wonderful first, though.
10. I'm a 52% Conservative Chick. This is also right on. I'm morally conservative, and socio-politically liberal. I NEVER know who to vote for. It makes me crazy.
11. I'm an Uptown Girl. (wannabe) I'm really just a country girl in the suburbs of a big city.
12. I go for brains in a guy. But I do like a guy who's in shape-or at least a little thinner than not. I don't go for the teddy bear type very often.
13. I'm an "It" girl. I have no idea what that means.
14. Your Superpower Should Be Mind Reading

Highly sensitive, you are good at putting together seemingly irrelevant details. You figure out what's going on before anyone knows that anything is going on! Why you would be a good superhero: You don't care what people think, and you'd do whatever needed to be done. Your biggest problem as a superhero: Feeling even more isolated than you do now.
Scroll to the bottom to see which superheroine this is...
15. You Are Upper Middle Class

Again, I think this is more of a wannabe. Definitely not how I truly class myself. Hmm-I need to think about that statement.
16. Your California type: You Belong in San Francisco

Not a hippie, and NOT rich. But I like San Francisco...
17. Your Modern Bombshell look is Charlize Theron

Actually, I prefer the idea of a vintage piece of estate jewelry or a family heirloom.
19. My inner pop princess is Jessica Simpson.
I have SERIOUS issues with this one.
20. I'm more like Jennifer than Angelina.
I didn't need someone else to tell me that one; Brad makes me sick.
21. Your Nail Polish Color is Pink

I love this color.
22. You Should Be In Atomic Kitten

Who's Atomic Kitten?
23. You Should Stay in Shape With a Personal Trainer

Where do I sign up, and who's paying?

Your convictions are strong and unwavering. You think your religion is the one true way, for everyone.
Note: I'm a Christian.
25. Your Celebrity Style Twin is Gwen Stefani

Again, this is a surprise. I'm not too sure I like her style...
26. The Part of You That No One Sees
Shocker: This is very correct when I'm feeling my most egocentric. Thankfully, I've gotten a lot better about this.
27. Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Note: This is totally me. mom always said I was a one of a kind!
28. Your Love Type: INTP

In love, you are honest and serious about commitment. For you, sex is something you think about and desire a lot of the time. Overall, you are pure in your affection and feelings. However, you tend to be suspicious and distrusting at times. Best matches: ENTJ and ESTJ
29. The True You
30.You Should Maybe Go to Grad School

No wonder I've been ambivalent about grad school.
31. You Belong in Paris

Where do I sign up??
32. Your Vocabulary Score: A+

Oh, brother.
33. You Are 72% Intuitive
Note: This is also right on.
34. You Are Expressionism

At times, you tend to lack perspective on your life, probably as a result of looking inward too much.
This introspection does give you a flair for the dramatic. And it's even maybe made you cultivate some artistic talents! You have a true artist's temperament... which is a blessing and a curse.
Hidden trait: It's true, I do have a bit of the dramatic in me. I try to submerse it in reason, and as a result, it only truly comes out when I'm alone or stressed.
35. You Are A Realistic Romantic

You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets. You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!
(NOTE: I'm listening to someone else's blog music and I just realized that I would like Fergie, if she'd JUST sing. )
36. You Belong in the UK
Curry gives me the runs.
37. Your SAT Score of 1370 Means:

You Scored Higher Than George W. Bush
You Scored Higher Than Al Gore
You Scored Lower Than David Duchovny
You Scored Lower Than Natalie Portman
You Scored Lower Than Bill Gates
Your IQ is most likely in the 130-140 range
Equivalent ACT score: 31
Schools that Fit Your SAT Score:
Brown University
Northwestern University
Carnegie Mellon University
Cornell University
Reed College
Note: I think if I could go back and do it all over again, I'd go to Northwestern.
38. What Your Handwriting Says About You
You are somewhat outgoing, but you're not a natural extrovert. You think first before you act. You tend to be independent, rational, and logical.
You are very detail oriented and meticulous. You are a careful thinker and a true intellectual.
You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.
You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.
You are a decent communicator. You eventually get your point across, but sometimes you leave things a bit ambiguous.
This is so true, it's almost scary. Except for the stress part. Well, I deal well with other people's stress.
39. You've Experienced 64% of Life
And unless you're already in your 40s, you're probably wise beyond your years.
How about that?
40. Your Travel Profile:
the Midwestern United States (100%).
You Are Very Well Traveled in
the Southern United States (77%).
You Are Somewhat Well Traveled in
Scandinavia (40%), the Western United States (32%), the Northeastern United States (29%), Africa (25%).
You are Mostly Untraveled in
Canada (20%) and in Western Europe (7%).
You Are Untraveled in
Asia, Australia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, New Zealand, Southern Europe, Middle East, United Kingdom (0%).
I need to get moving-I have lots of traveling to do.
41. Where is your Inner New Yorker? You Belong in Soho

And you indie culture of all kinds - from little boutiques to art house films.
NOTE: I guess I should visit NYC before I decide where to live. Tomorrow is the Macy's Parade-one of my dream vacations. Dorky, but fun.
42. You Are An INFJ
You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity. Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is. You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience. You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.
In love, you truly see relationships as an opportunity to connect and grow. You enjoy relationships as long as they are improving and changing. You can't stand stagnation.
At work, you stay motivated and happy... as long as you are working toward a dream you support.
You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher.
How you see yourself: Hardworking, ethical, and helpful
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Manipulative, weak, and unstable
Yet another variation on a theme...I think my Myers-Briggs really depends on my mood.
43. What Asian Country? You Should Travel to Japan

Japanese culture is so sophisticated, but Japanese TV is entirely weird.
44. What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds. You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you. Your near future is likely to be filled with great successes and accomplishments. You just need to figure out how to get there. For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.
Again, so right on that it is weird.
45. You Are 80% Lady

I wonder what the other 20% is?
46. What Latin Country should you visit? You Should Visit Argentina

This sounds interesting...but I've not really been drawn to Latin countries. I'm more of a Northern Europe girl, myself. Anyhow, better than Venezuela...I don't much care for big mouth dictators. I loved King Juan Carlos last week. Way to tell that loco hombre to shut up!
47. Your Inner European is Swedish!

What'd I just say about Northern Europe? I spent part of a summer during college in Sweden. I loved it.
48. You Belong in 1959.

49. American Cities That Best Fit You:

60% San Francisco
55% Los Angeles
55% New York City
55% Philadelphia
NOTE: I live outside D.C. Perhaps I should re-evaluate my desire to return to Chicago...
50. Your Linguistic Profile:

15% Upper Midwestern
10% Yankee
5% Dixie
0% Midwestern
NOTE: I grew up in Ohio.
51. You Are Definitely a Hot Chick
It's your whole five star package that attracts men -Your looks, your charm, and your ability tie a cherry with your tongue.
NOTE: Not true.
52. Your Extroversion Profile:

Sociability: High
Assertiveness: Medium
Friendliness: Low
Activity Level: Very Low
Excitement Seeking: Very Low
NOTE: I'm not sure about the low friendliness score...I'm often told I'm friendly. The rest of it is right on.
53. You Are an Excellent Cook

I'd love, LOVE to take a year at Le Cordon Bleu just for fun.
54. You Belong in London

NOTE: London is next on my visit list anyhow.
55. People Envy Your Compassion
56. You Are Scooter

In any big event or party, you're the one who keeps things going. "15 seconds to showtime!"
NOTE: This one surprised me, but I love it. He's undoubtedly my favorite Muppet, besides Kermit. He reminds me of Radar.
57. You Are 60% Independent

You've got your own cool thing going on, though you sometimes still care too much about what other's think.
NOTE: This picture scares me.
58. You Should Drive a Jaguar XK 4.2

NOTE: This one is for a 2007 car, and the BMW was for a sports car. I don't care-I'll take either one.
59. You Passed 8th Grade Science
NOTE: I majored in biology, minored in chemistry and teach 7th grade science. There'd be something seriously wrong if I didn't get a perfect score on this one.
60. You Are a Very Good Girl

I think being bad is highly overrated.
61. You Are 70% "Average American"

This one is dumb, but I like the flip-flops.
62. You Passed 8th Grade Math
NOTE: I tutored college math for 10 years, so ditto on the comment from 8th grade science.
63. Your Inner Retro Girl Is


For you, love is never finished. If you've loved someone once, you'll always love them. You're an old fashioned romantic... even if your relationships don't end up as romantic as you'd like. Your love style: Traditional and understated. Your Hollywood Ending Will Be: Complicated and ambiguous
Thank God my life isn't a Hollywood movie.
65. What Your Sleeping Position Says

Open to the world, you are not afraid to be yourself. If you don't get enough sleep, you are: Able to cope
It's hard to sleep next to you because: You're a bed hog.
I'll bet everyone says this, but I'm NOT a bed hog. Everyone I've ever slept with (only girl cousins and sisters-nothing weird) has been a bed hog and I couldn't afford to be one.
66. How You Are In Love
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard.
This one is half and half...I'm not really possessive about seeing my true love 24/7. I also have historically given a lot more than I've taken in relationships. If anything, I need to be more willing to take.
67. Your Career Type: Investigative
Architect - Biologist - Chemist-Dentist - Electrical Technician - Mathematician-Medical Technician - Meteorologist - Pharmacist-Physician - Surveyor - Veterinarian
The worst career options for your are enterprising careers, like lawyer or real estate agent.
This is funny-I think I took the same test twice with different results...I wonder what kind of careers are out there for artistic investigative types? They're still right about worst careers...ick.
NOTE: Always by Bon Jovi just came on...wow, I hadn't heard that in forever. I didn't miss it, either.
68. Your Musical Tastes Match: Nicole Kidman
69. Your Hidden Talent

It's easy to make decisions for other people...not so much for me.
70. You Should Learn Swedish

Do you SEE the pattern here?
71. Donna's Aliases
Your fashion designer name is Donna Amsterdam
Your socialite name is Madonna LA
Your detective name is Lion Orrville
Your barfly name is Almonds Reisling
Your soap opera name is Michelle Paradise
Your rock star name is Butterfinger Train
Your Star Wars name is Doncha Horand
Your punk rock band name is The Thoughtful Lipstick
NASCAR NAME: Ira Louis George
SOAP OPERA NAME: Michelle Dearborn
SUPERHERO NAME: The Scarlet Reisling
GANGSTA NAME: Mint Chocolate Chip
ROCK STAR NAME: Chandler Gateway
STRIPPER NAME: Tiffany Butterfinger
72. Your Fashion Style is Classic

You stay updated and modern, but your clothes stay in style for a while. You wouldn't be caught in animal prints, fake fur, or super bright colors.
73. Your Uncommon Name For Donna Michelle Is: Catherina Fairy Rocky
Your Uncommon Name For Donna Is: Evita Cayla Barkman
Your Uncommon Name For Michelle Is: Zenia September Rocky
74. You Are Quite Worldly.
It's true, I've done more than Average Joe. I still have tons I want to do, though.
75. Your Travel Personality Is: The Adventurer

You truly have wanderlust. When you're not traveling, you're dreaming about where you'll go next.
76. Your IQ Is 115

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional
Your General Knowledge is Average
NOTE: My I.Q. is officially 152.
77. You Are a Yellow Flower

And at other times, you are fickle, like a dahlia. And more than you wish, you tend to feel bittersweet, like a marigold.
78. Your Superheroine is Trinity

NOTE: I have no idea who this is.
79. Your glamour icon is Brigitte Bardot

Note: If only this were true...
80. What Your Latte Says About You

You can be quite silly at times, but you know when to buckle down and be serious.
You have a good deal of energy, but you pace yourself. You never burn out too fast.
You're addicted to caffeine. There's no denying it.
You are responsible, mature, and truly an adult. You're occasionally playful, but you find it hard to be carefree.
You are dramatic and intense, but you are never moody.
This is also very true...and saved to the end for the not-so-fainthearted. Way to make it the whole way through! I had wanted to do a 100 things about me list, but this almost makes it there. I'll have to finish the list with more original things tomorrow...